Don't fear the future
For some reason I feel a bit vulnerable in my job at the moment.
Blame Gove, blame changing times, blame OfSTED.
Mostly I'm blaming myself.
I work my knackers off, get good feedback from the pupils, hopefully have a good relationship with parents and my peers but still I feel a bit vulnerable.
This year has been the first time that I've considered a career outside teaching.
Constantly being checked, compared, measured against targets that get higher year on year takes its toll.
I am where the buck stops for my department.
On the other hand, I love being in the class and I love teaching. I willingly get up every morning to go in to work. There's so much to enjoy and find stimulating.
I don't want to turn into a moaner, a whiner, someone who's everyday life has been consumed by my job.
Anyway, time will sort all this out, I dare say.
Maybe I'm just going through some post malaria tablet moment and the resumption of running in aid of a marathon will sort all this out.
Apologies for venting. I don't fear the future - I just wish I had a clearer view of what is in store!
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