All Greek to Me

The oldest class of children at school are studying the Ancient Greeks and their teacher asked if anyone had any broken terracotta pots they could use. I was happy to help, having several which have succumbed to the frost over the years. They shared their work in assembly this morning and I obviously wasn’t listening very well because I’m still not exactly sure what they used them for but the bits of pot look nice with the Greek writing on, anyway.
We always have a whole school assembly on a Friday. We all stay in our own classrooms and share via zoom. We decided to take ours into the hall today to start getting used to sitting in rows, filing in and out etc. It’s so bizarre that we’re in the summer term and they still haven’t been into the hall for a school assembly. They weren’t great at sitting still or being quiet. There was a lot of lying down on the floor, legs in the air showing their knickers and loud farting.
We’ve got a long way to go.

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