Magnet Memories

Today was fiesta in Ibiza Town, so no school! The benefit of it being only a town fiesta was that our new washing machine came from another town and was delivered and fitted - so so wonderful!! Feel really grateful for that. 
I finished off Becky's birthday present which was these mini map magnets. The maps are laminated then stuck underneath the glass pebble, and then the magnet stuck on too. Simple but effective! These are some of Becky's special places. We drove to leave them on her doorstep - sent her a pic of where I'd placed them. Turned out her and the family were on a nearby beach so we joined them there. A really lovely time together. We left them after an hour or so and headed on to a big play park. The kids loved it. Home for juice making (Danny and Nate's job) and trying out the new washing machine, and a long video call for Asha and her friends. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Our landlord being so on it re the washing machine. Feel really grateful that he's just sorted it and we've not had to pester him.
2) Living near the sea.
3) Time with Becky and Tim.

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