The day to start is today

By Traci

If you don't think every day is a good day ....

... just try missing one. Cavett Robert

My hubby's perfect day? I have got a throat infection and woke up this morning reluctant to speak as it hurts (sad face going for the sympathy vote) I had to cough (gently) a lot to eventually get a cup of coffee but the silence was infuriating, all that gossip from yesterday, travel, chat, I may have to get him to read my blip !!!

He and almost eldest have gone off to take the dog for a misty walk round our local reservoir and I was left with another 'warm' drink (apparently he does care lots) and my youngest up early watching another repeat episode of Merlin. She has been slightly traumatised by the total finish of this 5 series production, at least i player and netflix (other movie providers available) keep her happy . There have been mumours of her interest in Sherlock Holmes so we will have to see how that plays out. I don't mind sitting and watching Merlin, not so sure about Mr Holmes .... we will see.

Lots of people jogging and cycling past my window this morning .. is there something I have missed?

Anyhoo, early blip and easy choice a card from my almost eldest. Rule of house, no bought cards, hugs will do and a homemade sentiment is always appreciated but not expected. Love this one, using a picture from when we moved over here about 10 years ago. They are all so different and completely unchanged.

I think everyone wonders how life would be if different choices had been made and different directions taken in their lives. I know my choice to be a Mum made a dramatic change to what my life and my husbands life was to become as I knew I would have to be a stay at home mother. Some can do both career and parent. I was lucky enough that my hubby supported the fact I wanted to be with my girls every step of the way, literally, if the path of parenthood was the way to go. We would have had a very different life if otherwise, I know that for sure, would we actually still be together? I don't actually know!! Strange statement? No just a thought, our individual lives at that time although connected were very different, and I have seen others travel a very different journey even though they had found 'the one'. Being with 'just' a partner, you still seem to have the ability to choose yourself and be independantly focused, with children (and my choice) that had to disappear (although I appreciate that is not always possible as life's twists and turns dictate otherwise) I was responsible from minus 9 months and counting for that precious little life that is about to happen and continue to do what you do for them - always. So mine and hubby's life in the main was to become for them.

Parenthood is demanding, stressful, and some of the time downright tearful. All because you are constantly striving to do your best for these little people who are your total responsibility.

We did good my hubby and me, my daughters fill every day with trauma, love and mayhem, the raised voices and chaos is completely outweighed by the laughter, cheek and quite a lot of 'cinema rules' evenings infront of the TV accompanied by a lot of much appreciated calm.

Is it what I expected? I can honestly say for someone who thinks a little bit too much, I do not have expectations on myself or my girls, I go with what I find to be available and roll with it.

Did I make the right choice .... Absolutely :)

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