The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

The Old Forge

Having been given a blank canvas after the JCB turned over the entire garden, I realised with some joy that I didn't need to have a lawn. I used a zodiacally-influenced template with a round central bed to house my new acer, and put in a new driveway area at the bottom of the garden to house my car, a maroon Renault 5 to replace the one I had pranged.

I'd been given a lot of plants and cuttings, even trees, by Christiescruffs, Pauline, May next door, my mother, Jane (of Jane's Kitchen), Josie's Mum and others, and had also bought a lot of plants at garden centres, nurseries, village hall plant sales and stands at garden open days. I'd also bought a number of trees at Bowood House garden centre: the acer, a flowering crab, flowering cherry and hawthorn. I'd built a rockery using Cotswold stone and dug in paths initially using old roof tiles for borders (eventually replaced with stone) and gravelled the paths. Vic had put in the patio for my bench seat, and the whole thing by now was resembling a garden.

(Taken with a Pentax ME, on Boots 200 negative film, scanned on a printer-copier-scanner from a BonusPrint 6x4 print)


Garden View Towards The Old Forge

Old Forge series

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Virginia Astley - From Gardens Where We Feel Secure (1983)

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