
By scharwenka

Kittehs are hungry

ViolaMaths has told the story of how she came into possession of three new kittehs. Here is a closer-up picture of all three of them. They are named after .... what? This is a small quiz for the reader.




Here is one of ViolaMaths' most recent Blipfoto entries about the kittehs.

It was decided (NB the passive voice of my construction) that it was time that I met these creatures, and so I made my way to the town where ViolaMaths lives, and was taken by her to the Barn where ahe, the Wonderspouse, at least five felines and many, many rodents live, in order that I might be introduced to the newcomers.

It was difficult to decide which of the many photographs that I took might make a reasonable submission for Blipfoto. Since the felines are so attractive, I have taken the liberty of assembling my photographs of the day in a small gallery.

The picture that I chose in the end was this one of the kittehs scrambling for their lunch. If I didn't know (much) better, I might have thought that these animals' humans did not feed the poor beasts regularly. One of them is so desparate that she has to get her paws into the dish she has just emptied. Is this Tokaji?

As you will see from the gallery pictures, the "Senior Cat" was looking on at the proceedings, and he has a dignified air about him, except that I have discovered that cats suffer from startling 'Green Eye' in flash photography, as humans do from 'Red Eye'. I need to know more about the detailed structure of the feline eye before I try any 'green-eye removal' with my image-processing programs!

The presence of so many animals in Violmaths' residence makes it difficult to find surfaces, such as tables, at which one might sit and eat in a civilised way. As an alternative to eating on our laps at home, we went out to see what the local town could offer in the way of lunchtime sustenance. We made an interesting and potentially very useful discovery. Right in the centre of town, on the edge of the market square, is an establishment named "The Bitter and Twisted Pub". It served a wide range of interesting and delicious food and drink, served by charming staff. Here are some independent reviews of the place.

We had (and shared between us)

Steak (Rib-eye)-frites, with garlic and herb butter

Crevettes (giant)-frites, cooked in garlic butter

Delicious, especially when washed down with some good Chilean Merlot (no cats named Merlot?????)

The restaurant was certainly "buzzing", full of people chatting and enjoying themselves, despite it being mid-week in a recession. It was very like being in a pleasant, warm and friendly French restaurant in a provincial town. I'm not going to show photographs of us eating and drinking, so will have to confine myself to this general view of the inside of the restaurant to give an impression of the atmosphere.

It turns out that there are quite a number of good pub-restaurants in and around this attractive Cotswold town, and even better choices a little further afield.

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