Off to Toulouse today to buy more fancy paint for the dining room and a bench for a bathroom. Of course I didn’t remember it was 8th May until we were nearly at the paint shop - which was obviously closed for the holiday! Happily the DIY shop we’d identified as having the right thing for a bench was open, so we at least found that.
Home via the garden centre for emergency rabbit litter supplies, then home for lunch on the first really properly hot day of the year. Turns out 30 degrees is not good gardening weather for me just now, and I retired to the cool of the living room. I think heat exhaustion was probably the cause of my problems a couple of weeks ago.
So, knitting and listening to a repeat of a podcast that has season 2 starting soon (Passenger List - I don’t normally like fiction podcasts, but this one is excellent).
Now Mr B is finishing of the bbq - fresh corn, homemade sausages and roasted green garlic.
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