Life has been Changed not Broken Down

It has been a kind of remarkable day. Opening the curtains and the roldownshutters I saw a bright new Sunny morning. I would have to prepare for a hot day as predicted. But after breakfast and feeding the birds I got this sense of being puzzled. Nevertheless I had my espresso in front of the fully opened Eastwindow with the sun shining in.
Later in the morning I wanted to verify the weather outlook at teletext. There I did not understand that the forecast was dealing with Saturday at this late hour. OhNo, suddenly I realized to have mistaken the day. It wasn’ t Sunday but the day before. Well okay, I thought, then we got this day extra…!
So after bringing the house in order, I took that book of Kübler-Ross on Deploying the Wings of Love. With this wonderful Red Admiral Butterfly on the cover. Thanks to Our great old friend Gerlinde who gave it to me as a present after Willemiens burial. Death as a metamorphosis of the deceased. And of the Beloved She left behind cut in half. The part you have grown into, the Other part of this living intertwinement, also being dead on the spot.
So the surviving member of the Loving Pair is subjected to metamorphosis too. Vita Mutatur non tollitur: Life has been changed, not broken down. Her death and your unspeakable loss offers this liberating chance: letting go all your old experiences of being hurt and victimized into the great transformational energy of Love. All your old feelings of maltreatment, neglect, pain, hate, anger, sorrow, guilt, powerlesness, despair. Let them be for what they once had to be, and let them dissolve into pure Love.
If you follow the spiritual call for Reconciliation&Resurrection, here is your daily exercise: go and feel to the bottom of old wounds, trauma, remember how God gave you his powerful Love to overcome and transcend misfortune. And then go outside and feel the amazing warmth of newly blossoming flowers. New Butterflies dancing around. Feel the Joy.

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