Seven Years Ago Today

Our little family was completed with the arrival of Emma. A hairy little bundle she was, with her first proper haircut at very few weeks old. Since then we've had all kinds of fun and laughter, the odd tantrum (us and her) and a lot of very ordinary days. She adds a lot to us all, and shows her love for us all the time with hugs and little notes and drawings, and a lovely, completely unprompted one recently for Oliver when he had his toenails dealt with.

Last year her birthday was very quiet as we were in the thick of a lockdown, all thinking it would be over by the summer. A year on and hopefully the real thick of it will be over by the summer, but what the future holds we will have to wait and see.

In the meantime, our pink and purple, unicorn, gymnastics, Adley and Esme Youtubers loving, onesie wearing, invariably upside-down Emma,  is now seven.

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