Up far too early to get the first flight down to Londinium this morning but everything went very smoothly and I was in London for 9am. Meeting with a client and a friend took me from south west to north east and back however as the weather was horrible it was actually better being in the tube system. At least I stayed dry.

Bumped into my old colleagues at the airport in the morning, same flight down however they were off to Basingstoke for the day.

Met my friend in Shoreditch, home of the hipster. And not just anywhere in Shoreditch but Old Street, right at Silicon Roundabout. What can I say. The skinny trouser quotient was incredibly high along with the number of shops selling fixies, daft moustaches and ironic knitwear. Win.

Meeting, back to airport, managed to get there in time for an earlier flight, home by 9:30pm.

I like EAT. It's cheap, the food is fresh and I love the salads they do. Falafel salad for lunch then dumplings and noodles for dinner. Apparently the dumplings, although incredibly tasty, contained all known garlic as +1/2 seemed to be struggling to stay within a few feet of me when I got home. To everyone on the plane: sorry. It was very tasty however :)

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