Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Pottering Along

Talk about a tough life.  This person was having a very lazy day as he pottered along past the house this afternoon.  Not a care in the world I reckon.  We've had another very relaxing day today and it was lovely to see little Kendall (my great niece) again, even though it was very briefly.  I have added an extra image of the sunset tonight.  It seemed to go on for ages and as you can see, the ocean was flat calm.  We're hoping it will be that way early on Thursday when we take the boat across to Rottnest where we're going to stay the night.  I worked it out it will be 46 years since I last visited the island.  Those little Quokkas don't know what's going to hit them.  A couple of "Walking Wombats" are about to invade their little piece of paradise.

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