but no cigar shanghai; or as dad would say, "Missed by a twopenny (tuppenny, tup'ney) busride." When you're aiming for 120 and score four. Where did I leave my specs?
EDIT: Is this a first? I post my MonoMonday answer to Close, but no cigar but when I look at all the entries they're talking about 'T' ? I wondered if there were two hosts for May. I'd printed out the heads up email sent out on 29th April and set the the old grey matter in motion. The whole point of a challenge is that it is challenging. I'm disappointed. Blippers usually have more imagination than to give in to a lack of imagination. They are usually a more resourceful group. This curmudgeon is especially grumpy. Sorry Laurie. So a stretch to make this the top of a London style dartboard .
I'm not redoing this.
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