The look of love...
Backblipped 10.05.21
Alan was very happy to see our visitors yesterday. He was even happier this afternoon when I told him LeeAnne had left a gift for him. Normally he waits for days to open gifts but he was keen to get stuck into this one!
I think LeeAnne is his favourite gift giver. Nothing to do with the myriad of scantily clad lady posters she's bought him over the past few years! lol
So we delved into the squidgy package to reveal a meltingly soft cushion bearing the image of his celebrity crush, Tess Daly. LeeAnne, you hit the jackpot again! :-))
A fairly restful day after yesterday's shenanigans. David played in a golf medal and has qualified for a trophy competition, so he was happy about that. I continued reading my book on colour theory but reached a point where I realised I wasn't understanding a particular point the book was trying to teach and the more I tried to get my head around it, the more the answer eluded me. Too tired I think, so will return to it another day when hopefully all will become clear :-))
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