
By Pictastic

Frothy blooms...and frothy beer!

So little Beau didn’t end up coming through since the client meeting got cancelled, hence I didn’t get the cute doggy blip I’d anticipated :(

Instead I took pics of a neighbour’s rhododendron which is in full flower - my dog’s rear end got in the pic too so still got a doggy aspect!

It was another busy day anyway though: one online client meeting, two in real life meetings! One in the afternoon with a young woman who is ‘shadowing’ me for work experience, and the other in the evening with the 5 other women who make up the committee of the local businesswoman’s organisation. The first time we have ever all met each other in over 12 months! And in a pub too! Real cocktails and then beers hence my reference to frothy beers (I put away quite a few, most enjoyable!).

Here’s to returning to having a proper social life! Woohoo :)

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