Up up away

Thanks for your supportive comments yesterday. I didn't receive any negative comments on social media. 

Today has had some difficult moments ( quite a few lol ). But also positive ones. I always rave on about how we made the right decision choosing Xander's school and how accomodating that they are to his needs. This morning I had phoned to see if he had left his homework bag at school ( nana thought she had brought it home and I couldn't find it ). Anyway I was chatting to his teacher and she said he had spelling homework for Friday. And that he's doing well with his spelling and reading. I was saying that at home it's a struggle to get him to do his homework but he enjoys learning through play. And she says do what we can for him and if that's how he will do it then just go ahead. So the photo is him doing his spelling homework. Every letter he called out he threw the ball. 

Edit. It's falkor ;-)) in the extra. Tired brain

The extra photo is of a giant tree trunk that we sometimes walk past. Harp calls it a dinosaur. I think it looks like Atreyu from the never ending story. A classic and fantastic movie from my childhood. Although the photo makes him look all sad as he's tied up. 

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