
Mothering Sunday began with a cooked breakfast in bed courtesy of Lily (and MrRoly). I was then showered with homemade gifts and cards from the children. It was all rather lovely.

Then reality kicked in and I spent 2 hours stood on the side if a rugby pitch watching Lily mince about looking beautiful. Then, I'm not quite sure how, LILY SCORED A TRY!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, Ally got pushed to the ground and 'studded' (?!) by some evil little Penryn scrote. He has a stunning array of bruises around his knee and groin but hopefully no other damage (though he now thinks I am obsessed with his right testicle as I keep making him check it for swelling!).

Home for a selection of cakes I made yesterday and hot chocolate. This eventually followed by a cracking roast dinner. All is now calm before the chaos of Sunday night bedtime begins...

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