Country File

By marypot

Mother's Day

First one as a mum of three! We didn't go out since the weather wasn't best (lots of snow flurries). Hope to have a belated Mother's Day out next weekend instead :)

The two bigger girls each hand made a card: Ophelia's one from preschool has her feet making butterfly wings, which is a cute idea! Grace made hers at Messy Church and although I thought it was also a butterfly made from glitter on the front, she informed me that it is actually 7, a multiple of 42..Hmm...?!?! It's got a very sweet message inside and she did a great job of it. I love my cards! Got a box of choccies from each girl too and a canvas print of them all together.
Arwen has had her first proper meal today. She ate up all of her mashed banana with baby rice and milk. She needs all the energy she can get with the amount of rolling, press ups etc she does these days.
69/365 completed!

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