Swans and cygnets
This pair of swans have 5 cygnets in the nest and 2 eggs. apparently there were only 4 cygnets yesterday so another must have hatched since.
this is the best photo i could get with the phone camera.
One chap said the cygnets were on the water with the swans earlier - wish I'd seen that.
There was a duck on a nest close by as well.
Sankey Valley park, near Double Locks, which is accessed from the path at the other side of the main road from the car park behind the Ship Inn at Blackbrook in St Helens.
There was another pair of swans near the fishing ponds (a fair way from this pair) and one was on a nest but I couldn't see what was in the nest as the reed cover was thick.
Extra photo taken close by the first pair of swans.
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