Clever Cow

A walk before work, then work, then a walk mid-afternoon to break up the day, then back to work.  It was a morning of calls/meetings and then an afternoon of some more of that.  I had three meetings on the same topic today – and all felt tense and like we were wading through treacle while treading on eggshells!!  By the end of it we seemed to be making progress, but have been making heavy weather of it all.
Later I made tea, BB had football training and I went for a walk to clear the day from my head.  Unfortunately about fifteen minutes from home the rain started and by the time I got home I was drookit.
This cow was being rather clever.  Having discovered a row of lush grass between the electric fence and the field fence, she was down on her knees, stretching to enjoy the grass while avoiding the electric fence.  I watched her for a while.  She ate a bit, then moved further along and then did the same again!  

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