
By randomgirl

Horses again

The local horses are in a different field at the moment, closer to the Glen. See link here for a previous blip featuring them..... https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2825160374284716017
So now my dog has to walk past them in order to go for a walk there. She managed it ok today, but you could tell she didn't want to linger! I went up to the fence to see if I could get a photo of them, but then the horses started to come over towards me. I expect they were just hoping for some food, but sadly you're not allowed to feed them (even grass!) You can see in this photo that one of them was already walking away unimpressed!

I had one of my school age daughters with me at that point, so she stood over on the other side of the road with my nervous dog while I took a photo. I apologise by the way for the barbed wire fence being so prominent in this photo. It was just a snap really.

We'd just had some good news a few minutes before we saw the horses. Earlier in the day both she and her younger sister had been sent home from school and told to self isolate for 10 days. This was because of a suspected Covid case from a pupil on their school bus. We were all feeling stressed and agitated about this prospect, as they're both senior pupils and about to start their formal assessments tomorrow (ie. exams, in all but name!) It's all been a muddle for the students this year, with confusion over what was happening and then not enough time to prepare for the assessments; plus having a full timetable of classes rather than the usual weeks of study leave beforehand. So it came as a big relief when an email came later in the day to tell us the pupil with the suspected Covid hadn't been on their bus after all - (a mix up with another school bus)! I feel sorry for all the students who are still going to be affected by this though.... hopefully it will turn out to have been a false positive result (LFD) and then everyone can return to finish their courses.

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