
By andpieces

Like Father..................

Today we spent the day in The Sick Kids.

John's cousin Amee was staying with us and the pair of them were up early. Kevin was working today and was up early too. John had told him he was seeing some zigzag lights, this was quickly followed by dizziness and then nausea. Kevin went to work, I was still in bed so John and Amee came in bed with me. John then began to get very irritable and wouldn't let me near him even though he told me his head was really hurting. I thought he might be having a migraine (he's never had one before) so I tried to get him to close his eyes and relax. He then got up and started crying and lay on the bathroom floor. He refused to get up and as he's so much bigger and stronger these days I was finding difficult to pick him up.

He started to get angry with me but I could see he was in pain. He then got up and ran to his room and curled in a ball on his bed. I got my phone, lay beside him (he wouldn't let me touch him) and tried to call answer, so I called my mum and told her I thought John had a migraine. By then though he'd started to cry loudly and was trying to tell me something but his speech was slurred and his words made no sense. My mum could hear him and told me to just call NHS24.

He became more and more agitated and distressed throughout my call to them, then he vomited so they decided to send some paramedics out to us. Amee helped by getting me towels and clean clothes for John. The paramedics arrived, assessed him and poor wee Amee broke down sobbing. They wanted to take him into the hospital as he was clearly disoriented.

So we were taken to The Sick Kids in the ambulance. John was doing things so out of character. He tried to get off the bed in the ambulance and he was pulling off all the wire things they'd attached to him. he was then sick again............everywhere.

Got to hospital
Stayed for 7 hours.
He had a migraine just like his dad's migraines........mine are a mere trifle in comparison.

The Dr who discharged John told us that age 9 is a common age for migraines to start.

Poor boy.

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