Plastered Again
The day started with a horrifying scene. As I opened the curtains there was a sparrowhawk in the front garden ripping apart a young sparrow. It will probably be back as we have masses of young sparrows in our garden at all times of the day. Nature red in tooth and claw!
Photo shows my companion for the last 5 weeks - a plaster cast (stookie in Scots) in a fetching shade of blue in honour of our local team St. Johnstone FC who have reached their second cup final of the season (they have already won the League Cup). To be more accurate, this is my fifth cast as it is removed and reapplied each week. This is done to heal an ulcer on my foot which has to be done before they will operate to straighten out the problems with my foot which is caused by Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (too long to explain, but an hereditary neuropathy which causes progressive muscle wastage in lower legs/feet and arms/hands). After the operation I should be in a cast for another 12 weeks at least, but it will all be worth it if I can walk properly again to some degree which I haven’t been able to do for the last 18 months, hence my rather restricted photo opportunities for a good while now.
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