The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Mockingbird Strut

Being "frantically busy" finishing up some projects/repairs for some "snow bird" neighbors stuck up north, making sure Ron and Betty are settled in their assisted living apartment, and packing and buttoning up our own place so we can hit the road to spend the summer months with our daughter and family (assuming the pipeline hack doesn't derail or delay those plans), the last thing I needed was to spend the morning at an auto service center fixing what the dealership hadn't gotten right last week and then couldn't fit me in to make right.

(He grumbles colorfully under his breath so as not to offend anyone in earshot)

At least the mechanic has a resident Mockingbird with a nest in one of the small trees beside the building, a proud songbird with a certain strut to her step. This morning's backpocket camera was Sport my little Fuji XP and I think he rose to the occasion so at least I got my blip for the day.

I also got a drive by snapshot for an extra. It's not a Corvette but it's got a colorful paint job.

... and the adventure, as aggravating as it can be sometimes, continues.

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