Journies at home

By journiesathome

The Saints had more tricks up their sleeves. A cold morning, a heavy afternoon.  We struggled up hills finding excuses for our lethargy - our metabolism is at its lowest at 3p.m, we've gone back to school and have had early starts, we've gone back to school full stop, the moon must be doing strange things up there.   
Mu said all the blood in her body had gone into her feet and hands, shaking her sausage fingers in front of my face.  It was true that we were walking with lead in our legs.  
The evening seemed fairly clement but the western sky was black.  I flopped down in my shed with my gin and an apocalyptic wind blew up from nowhere.  I didn't realise how heavy the rain was until water from a gap in tiles trickled down my back and my gin got diluted.

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