Mr John

By MrJohn

Sunday .....

..... sheepage.

This morning I called my mum to wish her happy mother's day and give her tresure hunt clues to where I'd hidden her mothers day gift when I was down visiting the other week. She soon found the large tub of jelly beans that I'd left for her. My mum is not a chocolates and flowers kind, but give her jelly belly beans and she's one happy lady. Apparently my brother had 'forgotten' it was mothers day :-/.

After work this evening I decided to have a walk over Middleton moor. It's nice to be able to get out after work with a couple of hours of daylight remaining. I was hoping to get some photos of horses or cows ( the two seem to be interchangeable nowerdays ), but the weather was bitterly cold with a biting wind and I expect they had all gone in to their sheds and stables for shelter. At least the sheep were hardy enough to still be out on the moor along with one foolish hardy blipper.

Don't let the warm glow from the setting sun fool you, it was blooming freezing. My cheeks are still defrosting an hour later ( the ones on my face ). As the only other creatures I saw apart from a few screeching curlews were our wooly friends, so today's blip is some .....

..... Sunday sheepage.

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