
By seddon


Me and chloster had a lovely day today, pottering around the house. Did some sorting of clothes in both hers and Thomas's bedrooms - they've both grown out of so much! Read some books and did some singing. Had lunch and did a jigsaw, before going to pick thomas up from school.
Ben was home early from work, unfortunately Chloe was quite tired and grumpy by the time he was showered and downstairs, so she stropped and screamed the whole time I was making tea! Poor Ben got to deal with that whilst I made a mess in the kitchen (dropped a whole jug of milk in the middle of the floor - really hoping I've managed to clean it all up or it'll stink!)
After we'd put Chloe and Thomas to bed, Thomas reappeared back downstairs holding his second front tooth - he lost one the other day too! He is now a very gappy boy, just in time for his birthday and school photos next week!
Fingers crossed the tooth fairy remembers to visit!!

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