
By mamasuzi

Mother's day

Hot chocolate and biscuits at 7.20, followed at 7.30 by flowers and wine, followed at 7.45 by various origami items and a couple of scrolls, followed at 8.15 by a visit from one of the cats, followed at 8.30 by Hannah wondering when I was going to get up. So much for a lie in.

It was a lovely day, but blooming cold and windy, too cold to go out anywhere, so we just spend the day at home until tea time when we went to Mum's for tea - cooked by my brother (they do come in handy now and again) - crab cakes, roast pork, and a mean pudding consisting mainly of sponge, amaretti biscuits and raspberries. Yummy.

This is a weird but lovely flower from the bunch Fiona brought me yesterday - she selected it specifically with blip in mind.

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