
By Nathcarr91

Oh deer...

So last week my partner and I had a lovely holiday in a motorhome through the North of Scotland. We went to the Isle of Arran. I highly recommend that if any of you ever have the opportunity to visit this fantastic little island then do. Its a bucket list vacation for sure.

The island is so peaceful and tranquil and not to mention majestic. For me I was blown away with how close you can get up to the deer. They are not fased by humans at all, it was almost like the equivalent of walking though a field of cows here in the lake district. Since the pandemic a lot more of them have been making there way inland more due to how quiet everything has been for the last 18month. 1 couple we met up with said it was almost as if the deer were reclaiming the land.

As always though you have to respect nature and do your upmost to not disturb it to much as you just never know, but these deer were so beautiful and it was so great to be able to get up close without them being spooked.

A definite must for any one who loves nature. This was shot on a 50mm prime so it gives you an idea of how close we were.

More from the island to follow

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