family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

Happy mothers day

Woke up this morning at 8 to find little man still snoozing next to me and mark and Erin down stairs. I may of nodded off again for 10 minutes so thats juat being greedy. Came down to some lovely flowers and a card off my babies well daddy but Erin wrote on it.

First thing to do today was to take Millie the cat to a follow up appointment at the vets. She was ill last week but £60 later she is back to herself.

Next stop to marks mums to take card and flowers then on to my mum's.
We quickly popped over to my grandmas first to give her her card and flowers but didn't stay long as Erin wanted to get back to see grandad.
Erin quickly made herself comfy shoes and coat off and got all her toys out. Caleb was still asleep from the drive over.

Naughty lunch from kfc and then back home for a chilled afternoon.

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