breathing space

By oxygen

The man in the mist

This is not the blip I was going to use. On my dog walk the lake looked eerie - it was a cold, misty morning. At first I thought there would be nothing to photograph, but no the mist made it more atmospheric and the camera was being slow to take a photograph, so things came out of the mist. Colours too were stronger up close.

I was particularly taken with some lichen and was photographing it when I noticed this man again. I was getting to a more secluded part of my walk and he had been following me round the lake. Nothing wrong with that, there are many people who walk here and there are many bird watchers. But you get a feeling. He hung around and I kept taking photographs. He passed me and I followed him but then decided I should turn back.

Perhaps he was being sensitive to my feelings of vulnerability. Maybe he was just thinking about what he was going to have for his tea.

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