Whilst in Devon..

By TonyL

Buttercups (and fly)..

Fly wants to be in on this too, I'm afraid.

There are many legends surrounding the meaning of buttercup flowers. According to the Legend of Ranunculus, a Libyan man named Ranunculus was known for his wonderful singing voice and elegant attire. He became so entranced, one day, by his own voice that he collapsed. Orpheus then transformed him into the tiny buttercup flower.

Other legends claim that fairies are responsible for the beauty of buttercups. When a large group of fairies watched an old man crossing a field with a bag of gold, they stopped him to ask for some. He didn’t want to share and continued on, but the fairies cut a hole in the bag before he continued. The coins were scattered on the earth and buttercups then sprang forth. 

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