
To celebrate the boy's thirtieth birthday, we left early for the north.  We are only going tomorrow, but wanted to take a tour along the beach, sea and flower fields.  I didn't expect a nice walk on the beach, but some chips and fish.  I did not expect to see many flowers in bloom, but enough to score a blip of the day.

And the weather was beautiful.  As two oldies, we could watch the sea in the sun while eating chips and fish on a bench.  Wind in our faces.

The lush tulips in the large fields have just been chopped.  No wonder.  Those in our garden have also finished flowering.  But they were still there and precisely at that one field full with white tulips we found no barriers and warnings that we were not allowed to enter the field.
I did enter the field but stood on the rim.  Of course I don't trample on a grower's income.  I'm only there to take pictures and Bert was still in the car, not lying among the flowers. ahum

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