Doing what she can do

As I was driving over to Sue's this afternoon, I passed this lovely person standing all by herself at a busy intersection, holding a sign that says JUSTICE. I thought yes, thank you, and what do you mean by justice? Justice for all beings? What does that even look like? 

I like this definition: Justice is a proactive commitment to providing each person with the material and social conditions in which they can both survive and thrive—Mychal Denzel Smith. I would extend that to all beings. (I think I have posted that definition before, sorry if I bore you with it, but I do love to think about it.)

A Rabbi friend of mine posted a beautiful short essay saying that she is related to both the Palestinian and Jewish peoples, they are all her people, and she wants a world in which all children can know safety and ease. 

I'm turning off comments again, sorry, just can't keep up.

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