Happy Daze

By Dazed

I'm a Jammy Cow

I managed to get a last minute ticket for Waiting for Godot from a workmate's Mum's colleague today. I was so chuffed as I only found out about the play a couple of weeks ago and really wanted to go.

This was partly - but not wholly - because I am a (ssh!) Trekkie and this was my chance to see Patrick Stewart in the flesh. On stage that is, not in the nuddy. Ian McKellen and Simon Callow just sealed the deal for me!

I have to say that I loved it, it was absolutely brilliant. And workmate's Mum's colleagues bought me some ice cream in the interval which was very unexpected and nice of them. And I managed not to shout 'Engage!' at any point, which was to the benefit of all those around me :)

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