
By Farmerboab


A day of cattle work. Went next door to bolus cows and calves before they go out to the grass. The cows get a couple of magnesium bolus down the neck which slowly dissolve during the summer to help stop them getting mg deficiency .
The calves get a 7 pulse wormer bolus which does the same thing but releases the wormer in pulses throughout the grazing period. The theory is this helps stop the worms building up resistance to the drug unlike a continuous release bolus. Also better for the good beasties in the soil .
A trip into town again to drop Littlemiss at school for yet another exam, physics this time.
Then back home to repair the hill shepherd’s bike trailer which needed new wheel bearings and an axel stub as the wheel had fallen off. Seemingly the concept of grease / maintenance is beyond him. Also found a big crack in the drawbar which will need welded and plated when I get time.
Ho hum.
Shiny metal swarf from drilling out the new stub axel

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