Biscuit meets Roo

Today was Border Collie day at Crufts and Helle and I were there to support our friends in the breed ring. Hero's breeder was there, the owner of Hero's dad and lots of grand and great grand puppies of my old dog Robbie (who is also Hero's great granddad).

Robbie's grand-daughter Wave (top right) had travelled all the way from Denmark to get there - unfortunately she did not place.

Helle and I went shopping and Helle bought Hero a huge yellow ball (top left) as a congratulations present after yesterday's performance!

'Bottom left' is Biscuit posing with a new friend... AND!!!! 'Bottom right' is our last blip meet at this Crufts! Biscuit met Roo the Chihuahua and his friend MiMi. Both Roo and MiMi were so cute and it was great to meet Jane too.

Lovely day at Crufts and now we are on the ferry to Holland...

Night night
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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