
By carliewired

Dawn and Mid-morning

It feels like the first
day of summer - it will be
a happy birthday! 

~ carliewired

I was up before the sun, but rolled back into bed to finish my night's sleep. The top photo is from my deck. Up again and out the door by 9:30 AM. Gotta get that bip!

I got a coffee at the drive-thru and drove up to the university for a panorama shot. Thompson Rivers University is very quiet these days. It was no problem to find a place to park near an overlook. This shot is looking north. My house is up there on that top ridge in the background. The Thompson River was as smooth as glass this morning. 

I'm going to spend a quiet day. My daughter is making me an English cream tea for my special day. 

It was already 22 C at 11 AM. Lots of people will be heading for the lake and the great outdoors for this weekend. 

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