Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

The special toys

These are daddies and he knows he has to ask to play with them.

The new fish have settled in well.

Mr Mouse is getting better, his head scabbed over so I was able to return to work at the end of the week. I am getting better.

Just shattered.


I have ordered a new pack a mac, I decided on two sizes up so should fit. Same style and brand as before so fingers crossed they haven't changed the cut and it will be a little on the generous side.

I am also grumpy. So far I have had 2 letters (I swear the print gets bigger) and 3 text messages to get a covid vaccination oh and an email from work. Yet not one of these has told me how to opt out of further communication, it's getting kinda harassing now.

I decided to not have it because due to my M.E I am hyper sensitive, I have a history of anaphylaxis to medication and I have so many allergies and intolerances I have them listed on iPad which i take with me to important appointments and I literally have to tell the GP what my one known safe antibiotic is. I have read the PIL that Mr Mouse got from his and what info I can find I have also looked at some of the yellow card data and at the moment I think it's a bigger risk to me having it. I just want to opt out of more communication which you know is wasting NHS money.

Oh and Mr Mouse's uncle has been in the hospital for a week and we still have no idea why. They keep saying they will call back and then never do and now apparently they are planning to discharge him on Monday. Again we still have no idea. So frustrating.

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