Beautiful evening #2

Again some showers in the afternoon, but a beautiful evening after them. Before lunch I finished spreading slurry on the field that was left unfinished yesterday and Jussi harrowed it. After lunch I changed from the slurry trailer to the stubble cultivator and we went to till the one field that was still stubble (extra).

Later Jussi started harrowing the next field (main blip). I had difficulties tilling it in the autumn, and being afraid that the straw that had clogged the stubble cultivator then would do the same to the harrow now, I did the difficult parts with the stubble cultivator again first. It worked well now.

At noon the forecast suddenly had seven millimetres and thunder for the next seven hours. There were lot of showers around and some thunder, too, but we got just one millimetre of rain and the thunder stayed far. Most fields are still a little too wet and the forecast for next week could look better.

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