Furnace Lass

By furnacelass


Today was a very strange day weather wise , mixture of beautiful blue skies, with bright sunshine , followed by blizzard conditions. It was like this for most of the day. you wouldn't believe we had had such lovely weather after having seen the news tonight with the heavy snowfalls all over the country.

I was so glad we did get a really long spell of bright sunshine this afternoon as members of three of the fairly local camera clubs ( Campbeltown , who organised the event, than you very much , Carradale and Mid Argyll ) got together for an excellent presntation by a wildlife photography expert at uPtechan Hotel , near Campbeltown. he was very enthusiastic and experienced , his presentation was inspiring. We then had the opportunity to go out on to the shore to use our cameras and his advice was extremely helpful .

Having said all that , today ws one of those days when I was not really happy with any of the images I got . Tonight's upload is the best of a set which din't really please me that much, such is life and days like that happen. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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