
By momcat1

LunchTime at Montezuma

Not mine fortunately . Raw fish is not my thing , but the herons were quite happy with the menu. The one large pond was drying out and was basically mud with shrinking pools. The fish are getting concentrated in the remaining water which is of course a bonanza for the wildlife . There were 100 great blue herons in this area , 11 great egrets , numerous shorebirds and 10 bald eagles.I couldn't get a good overall photo and the egrets were too far away  as were the bald eagles. But the great blues were everywhere. Literally everywhere. I have never seen this many herons in one spot before. 
It was a really good birding day with greater and lesser yellowlegs, black bellied plovers and some good stuff on Howlands Island too. The one really frustrating bit of the day was while on a short trail -where there were lots of yellow and yellow rumped warlblers- we heard a cerulean warbler. Could not get a glimpse of it at all. But the call was right . This is like the east coast warbler  grail bird. Drat drat drat. Oh well , can't spot em all.
Extras are a juvenile bald flyover and a blue gray gnatcatcher on its nest on Howlands Island . 

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