Sunday's painting...

...I said a short while ago that the darn blackbirds have been taking my thatch off my thatched swing. The current female blackbird has made 4 nests from it this year. When I checked it is unrepairable.
The thatch I need to repair it would come from Germany. And costs too much.

So easier and cheaper solution is needed...

Various options...all too expensive.

Then thought of army camouflage netting. I have given up on a thatch repairer as such. So a tarpaulin, out of the garage, looks awful, but is now waterproof again.

Got a green army camouflage. But I knew I wouldn't like the colour. However, it was one piece with strengthened edges and ties etc. And I ordered a woodland camouflage as well, but they only came in smaller pieces.

The green camouflage I attached a few days ago. I knew I wouldn't like the green (but I could have got used to it). I tried the small piece of woodland coloured camouflage.

That was a definite yes for looks.

So ordered two more woodland ones, and they are easy to attach to the the green one.but it has been raining since.

However, the birds do not like the camouflage on the swing. They are all of them totally incapable of landing on it. The heffalump wood pigeon has made many abortive attempts to land, but fell on the ground. Then he/she ruffled their feathers and tried again and time he fell in my bushes, and I ended up going out because he had difficulty extracting himself...but he got out himself in the end. Female blackbird is very very cross with me. She has done many flypasts to try and figure out how to land. And left many white 'messages' on the green army camouflage. Finally she came up to my window and gave me the death stare...

Here is my digital painting of the situation...

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