things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic


I know my blip is a sheep and not a cuckoo. But early on this morning, I heard one and had great views. It just didn't stay put long enough for me to take a photo! 

I'd decided to go to my water vole spot & it was pretty sunny when I got there. This herdie was one of a small flock chasing along the banking. It made me smile:) Extras are a few friendly cows and a view this morning.

Sadly the last few times I have been, I haven't seen any voles and it was like that today. I saw signs, just no voles. 

I did however see a man who trolled me very nastily a few years ago when I wrote the sightings blog for OM. He was truly vile (and to others too) and ended up being banned from all the RSPB sites in the Dearne Valley. I've seen him there a handful of times & we ignore each other - after the first time when he laughed and joked & asked for my forgiveness. It pains me to say that I just couldn't do as he asked - so if he's there, we ignore each other. Today as I was taking a photo of a green hairstreak, I looked up and saw his camera pointing in my direction. 'WTF?' I thought... I ignored it but it unsettled me & as I walked back to my car, he was sitting on a bench. I decided to ask him (rightly or wrongly) why his camera had been pointing in my direction earlier. He ignored me 3 times so I walked off. I used to love going to this place but now I think I will not go back for a long time as he always seems to be there.... Hey ho.

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