A new project

We've got a new project and Ann has just realised that she hasn't let me mention it on Blip yet.......................... 

We're going to go on every number of Lothian Region bus to its terminus and then walk home. And to make the project harder we have to do the buses in number order. Ie, we've already been on bus nos 1, 2 and 3 so today we went on a no. 4 bus.

As the no. 4 bus doesn't run anywhere near our house we had to walk for 40 mins to get to the nearest bus stop, but that was OK because it's primarily a walking project. Oh and the other rule is................. Ann decides which end of the terminus we go to. Today we went to No. 4's terminus at Hillend which meant that for the first part of my walk I got to run around on the Pentland Hills.

You can see our route here.

I found this massive stick at the start of the walk and I carried it for more than an hour. And then when we got to Braidburn Valley Park, do you want to know what I did with it?...................... I hid it in some bushes so that I could go into the burn and have a drink. There were a lot of other doggies in the park and I didn't want them stealing my stick. Ann thought that was pretty clever of me. I jumped into the burn and wallowed around for a while because I was very hot and thirsty and then when I got out of the burn I went racing back into the bushes and retrieved my hidden stick. Ann said that because I seemed to like the massive stick so much, I could take it home and put it into my toy basket. Mmmmm...................... 5 mins later a Cockerpoo wanted to play chase with me so I dropped it while I was playing. …..............And then I forgot to pick it up again. Boooohoooo.

And in other news........................... I had to stay 'home alone' this afternoon while Ann went for her second vaccine. Her appointment was at 4.05pm so she left home at 3.30pm, got on a bus straight away, no queues at the vaccination centre so was jabbed immediately (last time she had to queue for 55 mins), jumped on a bus as soon as she came out, popped into Waitrose and was still home by 4.15pm. She'd told me she'd probably be out until about 6pm so I was very surprised to see her home so soon. Soooooo in two weeks time she'll be 'mega protected' from COVID??? Well, that's the theory anyway.

….................Here's hoping she doesn't have any side effects because she's got a lot of social events happening this week!


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