
By ayearinthelife


On a day when mingling and hugging are once again permitted, I find myself alone. I’ve only been in the city for three days, but I know I couldn’t live here on a permanent basis. The flat is plenty big enough, but I have no direct access to the outside world and feel very isolated once inside with the door shut. I never get this feeling at home because there are always people passing by the window and I can step into the garden any time I please. And although Chester is a busy city, I don’t really know anybody here so the chances of bumping into a friendly face are pretty remote. As such, one can feel quite alone even when wandering around the city centre. Total contrast to Kendal, where I invariably see someone I know every time I walk through the town.
Don’t get me wrong - I’m quite happy with my own company. I’ve had a lovely walk along the river and around the walls - I actually spotted this heron only a few yards from the flat and he was remarkably patient whilst I took his photo from various angles. He is actually standing on one of the lock gates which link the Shropshire Union canal to the River Dee, though I don’t think they’ve been used for some time. I bought a couple of CDs I’ve been after whilst in town and I’ve pretty much finished all the work in the flat - just need to run the washer through a full programme tomorrow morning as a final check.
But I miss not being able to pop to the gym - or even just chat to my neighbour. So I will have no regrets when I head back home tomorrow afternoon. I’ll still be alone (Mrs C not back until Saturday), but I won’t be lonely.

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