am bioran

By AmBioran

The Greater Traverse

I first climbed the Devil's Staircase in Glencoe in 1989 while on the West Highland Way. I've not climbed it again until today. 

Starting from Alltnafeadh, I climbed to the summit of the staircase and then struck west over very runnable ground to the eastern end of the Aonach Eagach. 90mins later I was on the western end at the Munro of Sgorr nam Fiannaidh. After a few snaps I headed down to the lower Corbett of Sgorr na Ciche, thus completing the greater traverse of the North Glencoe Ridge. 

I was surprised to see many wild goats on the main ridge and also lower on the flanks of Sgorr na Ciche. The waft of goat's cheese heralded their appearance as I trotted down to sea level. 

Having left my car at the top of the glen, I was only really halfway round. I jog/walked along Thomas Telford's old military road back to the start. Home in time for tea. 

The blip shows the ridge spreading west to the 2nd Munro high point in the distance. 

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