
My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

I've been annoying Fazzy with my constant questions about halal. 

It is not my fault. Who knew that some kinds of CHEESE are not halal? Who knew that you have to check punnets of ICE CREAM for the halal symbol?

I pestered Fazzy with questions. And finally, she had enough.

"Symon, you are over-thinking this."

Guilty. I over-think everything.

Long story short, Fazzy's husband is now making dinner this weekend*.


So instead I am going to make my indestructible chocolate souffles because people are always impressed by them even though they are literally just me banging pots together for 20 minutes while the whisked eggs do all the work.

As a result I had to buy ramekins today. It was fun going around a kitchen shop. I haven't done that for ages. And Fazzy LOVES chocolate so she's bound to love the souffle. 

I'll serve them up with ice cream.


Maybe I am over-thinking this.


p.s. Caro sent me this picture of her today, with her hairy little friend. Aren't they cute?

* Fazzy cannot cook. It is a source of great hilarity in her house. She tells me her specialty for the kids is "lasagna" by which she means pasta with the sauce out of a jar and a can of tuna. Her other specialty is toast.

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