
I kept Xander off school today. There really wasn't anything wrong with him but he put on a fake cough and was apprehensive about going to school. I know some people would disagree with me keeping him at home but I think it's worthy every now and then. Especially with someone so anxious. And a day at home was probably needed. Even though he had a fantastic time seeing his two cousins yesterday it was a massive deal for him. 
This morning he finished off his watercolour painting. It's of a among us character floating in space. All his idea and no tutorials. Super proud mumma. 

I took three of the Wildlings to the park while the weather was dry . X's new thing is jumping off the swing's. I loved doing this when I was younger. 
Lincoln had a lovely time at nursery. Tomorrow is his sport's day. I hope the weather is dry for them. I'm quite annoyed though as no-one is allowed to attend, even with it being outside. But people can go and watch football matches and go to other outdoor events. And surely a appropriate set up could be achieved for sport's day. 

Thank you all for your lovely comments, stars' and hearts' yesterday . 

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