The Real Greek

Mr B’s Citizenship Certificate arrived. So able to get his online passport application done. 5 mns to complete.

1 hour to create an acceptable digital passport photograph. All deemed unsuitable. Resigned to having it done in town. One last attempt - uploaded the first photo I’d rejected myself for ‘shadows’ - typical that was fine.

Went out in the afternoon. Aspall at 60 Million Postcards. Then Lidl for more peaches and apricots. Delicious. Firm and tart, just how I like them. Mr B recognised the peaches immediately as like those from the ‘contadino’ (=local farmer). They don’t look appealing, but once ripe, are the best.

On the way back the sky was menacing to the North (the bad weather by-passed us), blue and sunny to the South. Noticed this wall image promoting The Real Greek’s dishes. Plenty of vegetable dishes!

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