
By dsyglsy

birthday boy louis headed home today so we didn’t see him, it was ace to see him at the weekend after such a long time though. his girlfriend is lovely too.

everyone was off for may day (except me) so bee went fishing in the morning then we met eve at costco in the evening to get her a daisyglaisy associate card now she’s 18. she was so excited and bought loads of sweets and jars of pickles, as you do. her excited face in her photo on the card is hilarious.

then me, bee and pegs went off to loch o skene despite the rain, for a swim and kayak. it was so lovely and I was very impressed with pegs who really went for it. I thought she would be freezing and last 5 mins but she loved it and didn’t want to come out. it was rainy, misty and quiet - and we watched loads of swallows feeding on insects just above the water. it fair cheered us all up.

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